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Thoughts and sermons

Articles on meditation, prayer, spiritual life and more will be posted here.

  • Compassion and hospitality
    The Christ-in-you aspect of Christfulness is an ackowledgement of God’s image in my neighbor. This motivates us for diakonia, to reach out for the other with compassion and hospitality. This is short sermon and a guided meditation on this theme. We use the term Christfulness for describing the purpose and aim for God creating humans in the image and likeness of God.
  • Spiritual World and Earthly Life
    Ole Skjerbæk Madsen UFP, interfaith prayer meeting, June 11th 2016 Dear friends, Once more, I should like to express my gratitude that UPF invites for these meetings. When Nobu and I talked about the topic for today, he also used the term the physical world along with earthly life. I’ll… Continue reading
  • Meditation – in Christian spiritual tradition
    The word meditation comes from Latin meditatio, from the verb meditare, which means to think, to ponder. This word was used to translate the Hebrew hagah, which means mumble, and the Greek melå, which means put something in the mind or heart, be occupied with something. The roots of the… Continue reading
  • Hope
    Today, I would like to share some thoughts with you on the concept Hope. Saint Paul mentions three lasting fundamentals or characteristics of Christian life: And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. (1. Cor, 13:13). Faith is trust. It springs out… Continue reading
  • A sermon on Reichelt and Christfulness
    For the time being Tao Fong Shan Christian Center is promoting the concept and praxis of Christfulness. CFN is very much in line with the vision of Ta Fong Shan and the founders of this spiritual center. I was invited to conduct an Eucharistic service for the members of the… Continue reading
  • Christ is risen and restores our original nature
    Sermon at Easter 2018 in Tao Fong Shan by rev. Ole Skjerbæk Madsen “The highest skies are in love with you. The great Earth opens its palms.” This is the opening of praise of God from the Jesus-sutras, written by the Nestorian Christians in China around 800 AD, and these… Continue reading
  • Today is Sunday
    This may be your day of relaxing – of feeling free. Tomorrow it’s work, and a week full of work is lying ahead of you. You may wonder how your relationship with your colleagues is. How will you meet them? Some of them may have hurt you. Some of them… Continue reading
  • Pray always常常禱告
    Jesus admonishes us to pray always and never give up.今天,耶穌勸導我們要常常禱告,不可放棄。 How should we practice incessant prayer? 我應當怎樣實踐不住的禱告? This sermon from The Chinese congregation at Tao Fong Shan, Shatin, Hong Kong deals with one of the most important practices of Christfulness and the experience of “Christ with me”. Continue reading Pray… Continue reading
  • Homily at Christmass, celebration at Tao Fong Shan, December 22nd 2017
    Bible readings: Isaiah 9,2-7, Hebrews 1:1-5, Matthew 1:18-25 Dear sisters and brothers in Jesus Christ! The Lord met Joseph in a dream and spoke to him of the child which was growing in the womb of Mary, and said to him, “You are to give him the name Jesus, because he… Continue reading


Different videos related to Christfulness.


Papers and articles that will be published here are written by ourselves or will be some papers, we’ve come across, which may shed light on the practice of Christfulness, its relation to Church and Society and to comparable spiritual practices.