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Today is Sunday

This may be your day of relaxing – of feeling free. Tomorrow it’s work, and a week full of work is lying ahead of you.

You may wonder how your relationship with your colleagues is. How will you meet them? Some of them may have hurt you. Some of them are not appreciating of what you do and of who you are. Sometimes they are like enemies. Sometimes they will slander you, and meet you with nasty and degrading remarks.

Is it possible to see your colleagues with new eyes? Is it possible to see yourself with new eyes?

It has been a great help to me that Jesus talks in such a trusting way of God. He calls God Father in a very intimate way. He makes me see, that we can be like children in relation to their caring parents in our relation to God. I have found good help with this affirmation.

I am a child of God

I am loved

And I am appreciated.

God, I thank you!

Through this affirmation as a faith statement to God I also remind myself of my worth. And thus I’m not so much influenced by other’s judgment on me – what they think concerning me, – how they act towards me. They cannot make me less than I am even if they hate me or neglect me, because – I’m a child of God, loved and appreciated.

From this position I may see my colleagues and those who I have considered to be my enemies with new eyes. I’m not the only child of God in the world; the others are also created in God’s image as God’s children. Therefore I begin to look for Christ in them, and my attitude to them changes. They may be potential friends. Often my changed attitude will also change the relationship with them.

To remind myself and to proclaim it as my faith, I every day pray:

God, You who are “I AM”!

I recognise the working of Your Spirit in the longing of humans for the peace of Your Kingdom,

And in their longing for Truth, Beauty and Goodness.

I recognise the presence of Your servant love in men and women of good will

And in all who dedicate themselves to walk the way of discipleship.

May the power of Your Holy Spirit flow in us and guide us

To the recognition of all Truth and into practical service.

May Your Word made flesh, Jesus Christ, inspire us to servant love

As co-workers of the Kingdom of God.

May I find my place in Your one work for the restoration of the Earth and the human race – in a humble spirit, in purity, truth, and love.

May God bless your Sundays and the weeks to come.

Compassion and hospitality

The Christ-in-you aspect of Christfulness is an ackowledgement of God’s image in my neighbor. This motivates us for diakonia, to reach out for the other with compassion and hospitality. This is short sermon and a guided meditation on this theme. We use the term Christfulness for describing the purpose and aim for God creating humans in the image and likeness of God.

Homily at Christmass, celebration at Tao Fong Shan, December 22nd 2017

Bible readings: Isaiah 9,2-7, Hebrews 1:1-5, Matthew 1:18-25 Dear sisters and brothers in Jesus Christ! The Lord met Joseph in a dream and spoke to him of the child which was growing in the womb of Mary, and said to him, “You are to give him the name Jesus, because he… Continue reading