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Here you find books related to our mission.

Christfulness in Chinese

Tao Fong Shan Christian Center has just published a collection of spiritual exercises from the Courses and Retreats under the heading ‘CHRISTFULNESS’.

A great book on Christfulness

Christfulness® is an expression of faith, but Christfulness is also an interpretation of life with roots in the Bible and Christian theology. In this combination of practice and teaching, Christfulness is also experience.


Papers and articles that will be published here are written by ourselves or will be some papers, we’ve come across, which may shed light on the practice of Christfulness, its relation to Church and Society and to comparable spiritual practices.

Introduction to Christfulness Prayer Video 1-6

Christ is full of grace to us in many ways: Christ with me, Christ in me, Christ in you, Together in Christ & Seeing all things in Christ. They are intertwined and complementary to each other. Please try to practise your prayer at roughly the same time each day, as… Continue reading