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Here you find books related to our mission.

Christfulness in Chinese

Tao Fong Shan Christian Center has just published a collection of spiritual exercises from the Courses and Retreats under the heading ‘CHRISTFULNESS’.

A great book on Christfulness

Christfulness® is an expression of faith, but Christfulness is also an interpretation of life with roots in the Bible and Christian theology. In this combination of practice and teaching, Christfulness is also experience.

Three sessions on Christfulness in Danish on youtube

Undervisning om Christfulness nu på youtube I april  2023 holdt Ole Skjerbæk Madsen 3 aftner om Christfulness. Undervisningen blev optaget og kan ses her på Bethlehemskirkens youtube-kanal:  https://www.youtube.com/@beth… Først session handler om den bibelske baggrund for Christfulness, og om Christfulness som skabelsens og frelsens mål og som menneskesyn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7TRZMCohns  Anden… Continue reading


Inspirations is another word for gifts of revelation. St. Paul mentions: Prophesy, Words of wisdom and knowledge, Interpretation of tongues. Ole Skjerbæk Madsen writes, ”When I meditate on Bible verses or Biblical wisdom I often receive words from the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ and God, our Father. This a gift… Continue reading