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Inspirations is another word for gifts of revelation. St. Paul mentions: Prophesy, Words of wisdom and knowledge, Interpretation of tongues. Ole Skjerbæk Madsen writes, ”When I meditate on Bible verses or Biblical wisdom I often receive words from the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ and God, our Father. This a gift of revelation like prophesy, but I use the word inspiration to indicate that what is transmitted is not a channeled message, but words given to me, and transmitted by me as I have understood them. Therefore they are inspirations that need to be discerned by you”.

Below you’ll find examples of inspirations

The Master Jesus Christ says: When I broke bread and shared it with my disciples, I said, “This is my body!” This act of sharing the bread reveals the secret of the completion of creation and the redemption of humanity. You are called to be my body – each of you a working part of my body, and each of you vital for the welfare and the purpose of the whole body. You are in me. Together, you are my body – a living, energetic, and Spirit-filled organism. Through you I still have body in the world. Your fellowship reveals the magic, which maintains the world: that you share with one another, are there for one another, serve one another. This unity-creating magic, which connects heaven and earth, is serving love. “My body, which is given for you!” From the very beginning of creation, every created being is there for the others and for the whole. In that way it mirrors my being, for I Am the Word, in whom God communicates to you. This serving love was entrusted to humanity in a unique way, for you were created in my image to resemble me. I entrusted the rest of creation to you, so it could find its place in the whole. You were as a mirror, which reflected love in attentive care and in the service of creation. “My body, which is given for you!” These words have taken on a resonance, which encompass pain, for these were the words I spoke with the words, that the bread is my body, on the night I was betrayed. And again in the words about the wine in the cup of thanks, “This is my blood, shed for you!” When your lives began to cease reflecting me in the world, the world began to fall apart. The magic of unity was replaced by the magic of power, of fear, of lust and self-complacency. This is why I appeared, vulnerable, with the magic of love and service in a world drenched in dark magic. I gave myself. Despite your violence I gave myself willingly and thus manifested my devotion and serving love as the stronger magic – a magic, which brings life to the dead! I invite you in to fellowship with me and let you share in my love. Through this, the mirror of your inner self is cleaned, so my presence, as new, can shine out through you in the world. I call you, as new, to serving love, in which the world is new and whole. I create again devoted and serving love in you. When you share your lives with one another, a redeemed humanity is made and grows, which is my body, and which is a small foretaste of the coming completion. I Am with you, I live in your hearts, so you can recognize me in each other, and together become one body. “This is my body!”

Before all Being is I AM THAT I AM – full, whole, absolute being, perfect rest, and yet incessantly moving beyond myself, creating. I AM the one who loves and gives life. In the beginning was the void – a not-yet unfolded / dormant fullness of nothing, yet potently the whole universe.The void or emptiness was not severed from me; it was the space in which creation could happen, so that the fullness of life would find its expression and form as the Word spoke what was hidden in my Heart. Your heart also has such a void or emptiness, which is not severed from me, but may be filled with the thoughts and images of my heart, and most of all with my image as expressed in the Word who became a man. You were created in my image. Therefore you will find Christ, my Word, when you look into your heart. Here is bond?, unity, presence, and self-giving, non-judgmental love. Here you will find your Self, being loved and united with God and all God’s creatures. Out of the unity of your heart and mine you will find yourself as an I in relationship with a You. Out of the unity of your heart and mine you will find the joy of relationship with Me, my Word and my Spirit. Out of the unity of your heart with all of my creatures you will find the enjoyment of life in all its plenitude, and you will find the strength to bear suffering and to reach out to those who suffer. Out of your unity with me and with your fellow creatures you will become a healer and a co-creator of the happiness of your neighbor. To this end I will have to break the power of your Ego and the power of your false self-images, of your judging attitude toward others, and of your desirous relations toward the surrounding world. Be without fear as you meet the void and emptiness, when all of your self-perceptions, your imaginations, your judgments and your illusions are dissolved. The void is that space in your heart, where my image will be mirrored. The emptiness of your heart is the beginning of hope, because it is now possible to recognize Christ and my presence in Him, the Word who became Man. In Christ I become and I Am all in all.

Revelation 3:12: “The one who conquers, I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God. Never shall he go out of it, and I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down from my God out of heaven, and my own new name.” From the beginning of creation I have wished to share life with you. I created you for fellowship and communion with me. We were not strangers to one another. We shared a deep confidence and trust – as between children and their parents. I have never forgotten you, even though you have forgotten me and my name. Therefore I invite you to know my name once more. When you know my name, you are able to call upon me that we can have an open conversation with confidence and trust. I have inserted my name in the name of Jesus; his name is mine. But his name is also a human name so that we will not be strangers… I give myself to you in the name of Jesus. The name is full of my presence. I am with you in the name. And if you call out, mentioning my name, you will experience that I am already there and go with you. When you speak my name it is a statement og faith and bears witness to the fact that I have made you free and have brought you out of your forgetfulness. Now you remember who I am as well as who you yourself are. You are my child, When you pray my name and take it into your heart, I will live in your heart, and your heart I beginning to be Jesus-shaped. In the depth of who you are, my image will be seen in growing clarity – in the way in which I revealed myself to you in Jesus Christ, my Son. I call you by your name – by the name in which you recognizes yourself as being who you are. I call you by the name, which is conveys you with an assurance of being loved and appreciated. When I call you by your name, you sense my presence and my joy, seeing you as exactly you. But you also have a new name, which binds your name into mine. Your new name isn’t necessarily another name than what is presently your name, but it is your name bound into my name. This new name may be another name – unknown to other people than yourself, but known by me and the depth of your soul. This new name always carries the connotation of “daughter of God” or “son of God” or “born of the will of God”. And your name is written in the book of life.

In Psalm 51:10-12 we read, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.” I often write what I receive listening to God when meditating on the Bible in a notebook, – especially if it’s something which shall be shared with others; I call these texts inspirations in order to avoid the misunderstanding that I am in some way a 100% pure channel for God, for, as Paul says, all revelations must be tried and tested. When I meditated on Psalm 51, I was given this inspiration.


Your heart is precious to me, says I AM THAT I AM. Your heart is the center of you as a person. It’s where you find yourself as who you are. When you rest in the heart, you are your true self. And nothing can take your peace away. Nothing can threaten your self-understanding and self-worth, if your heart is pure.

A pure or clean heart is like a mirror. My image is seen clearly in a pure heart, and when you recognize my image as mirrored in your heart, there is nothing deeper, truer, higher or more real to you than enjoying my communion, sharing life with me, and living in my will. When my image is mirrored in your heart, my presence radiates into the world from your heart, and my image in you is realized to the creatures of the earth through acts and deeds of love I created humans with a pure heart, so that my image would shine brightly in you and you would grow into my likeness – a blessing to your fellow humans and fellow creatures. You recognize my image in my Son, Jesus Christ.. When you close your heart to me and one another and forget who you really are, the heart becomes hazy and dirty so that my presence is no longer recognized in your life, and it will be hidden to your fellow humans and fellow creatures. The light of hope is extinguished, and your will is torn apart. Sometimes you will what I will, because you have a memory of yours and mine fellowship, but more often will follow your own will to what you think will give you a greater pleasure. Your heart becomes desolate and empty, even become like stone. Then the surrounding world mirrors the emptiness, desolation and coldness of your heart. Therefore, look to Jesus, my Son. He breaks the patterns of the impure heart. In him my image radiates unadulterated. He’ll give you a heart like his own. When you come to him with your grief because of your heart’s unrest and impurity, he will breathe the Holy Spirit into your heart. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of love, life, and truth, whose warmth will thaw the ice of the heart and make alive the stone heart. Your heart will then liken the birth cave, in which Jesus was born as God-with-you, and he will be my restored image in your heart. You will carry him with you and thereby let the light of my presence shine upon your neighbors and fellow created beings. In the power of the Holy Spirit you’ll start serving the world as I in Jesus Christ and in my creating word served you in love.

Psalm 139: 13-16: For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Our existence was no accident; we were in God’s thought before we came into being. This fills us with wonder and praise (verse 14) God is always near and knows our thoughts: “Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain” (verse 6); even our days are known by God. But we are not only filled by praise; wonder may change into fear and resentment. It raises questions, as I do in this prayer: If a human was known even before birth, why are some born with severe handicaps? If God knows my future sins and shortcomings my mishap, why could this not be prevented? Answer: My child! Your first feeling face to face with me should be a sense of wonder, because your existence is willed by me. I have loved you from before conception. But my knowledge of your life does not support a prearranged destiny which you cannot escape. Rather it is an assurance of my benevolent and gracious presence in your life whatever your conditions are, whatever you’ve made from your life. Truly I have a plan for your life which corresponds to the original nature of humans. But much human life is not in accordance with this original nature. This has resulted in a milieu of alienation from me and between human persons and between humans and nature. You live according to a paradigm of sin. Couldn’t I intervene? Couldn’t I change your condition of life? How could I do this without disrespecting your integrity? Could I force you to love – to love me, your fellow humans and nature? However, I did intervene, but without forcing you. My Son, the eternal Dao or Logos, became one of you. In him I am present to you in your sufferings, your pain – in the midst of the milieu of abuse and evil doing. In my Son, Jesus Christy, I am present when the only thing left for you is to cry: My God, my God, why have you left me, forsaken me? This is wondrous. You meet me in my vulnerable Son, Jesus Christ, and now in your daily life you’ll meet him and me in every suffering person or created being. In Jesus Christ you’ll find your original nature, and I’ll breathe his and my Holy Spirit into you so that you’ll have the strength to serve others in love with the sure knowledge of being my child together with Jesus Christ, of being loved and highly appreciated. Praise: I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful – and even the darkness of my life will not be dark to you. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.


Papers and articles that will be published here are written by ourselves or will be some papers, we’ve come across, which may shed light on the practice of Christfulness, its relation to Church and Society and to comparable spiritual practices.

The Biblical basis of Christfulness

The English term Christfulness consists of two words, Christ and Fullness. Fullness is a quality or state of being full (Webster), and can be understood as saturation and completeness, abundance and richness, wholeness. CFN thus can be described as being filled or saturated by Christ, surrounded by and drenched in… Continue reading