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How to pray for others for the healing of the heart

Healing of the heart is a central practice in Christfulness – may be even the basic for any other practice. Often our heart is divided and not at rest, because we are haunted by judgements – judgement from others, or self condemnation. We are not in contact with our inner child. The prayer for the healing of the heart opens us to experience God’s love and appreciation, so that we know: I am a child of God, I am loved, I am appreciated.

It helps us to be who we are in any relationship and under all circumstances. Below you find a way to pray for others to receive this wonderful gift.

  • We ask the Holy Spirit to reveal how love streams from God through the heart of Jesus into the client’s heart, and that he/she will open his/her heart, so that his/her heart may be filled like a cup being filled with water.
  • We pray that God will heal the heart as he/she receives God’s love in his/her heart – as God is speaking to him/her in the heart calling him/her his child, showing him how precious he/she is. None of the treasures of the world compare to what he/she means to God, who do not want to lose him/her for any prize. In this part of the prayer, we use any image that can invigorate the imagination of the client and help him/her to experience God’s love.
  • When we have prayed this through, and when we have faith that the client has grasped this love, we ask that N.N. may rest in a healed heart in the sure knowledge of being a child of God, of being appreciated, and of being a loved one.
  • We pray that this sure knowledge will overflow into the soul, into thoughts, feelings and memories, and thus become a source of healing for wounds in the mind, even healing memories that threaten the inner wellbeing, the self-worth, and the zest for life. In this part of the prayer the client may come across deep wounds in the soul, but the prayer for healing of the heart is the beginning of a process of inner healing. Also the relations to others may be influenced, giving a new freedom, because the client now knows his/her worth and is not dependent on the judgements, opinions, and attitudes of other persons toward him/herself.
  • May the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding keep your heart, mind, soul and body in the love of Christ Jesus.

You’ll get an idea of how this prayer runs, if you listen to the guided meditation at YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1r9pEn0Fh58&t=28s

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