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Prayer – a course in three sessions

Rev. Ole Skjerbæk Madsen

This is a free of charge Course on Prayer

Prayer is one of the main disciplines of Christian spirituality or faith practice. It was one of the four practices that the first Christians in Jerusalem held on to. In Acts chapter 2 we read, “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”

In this course we will explore how to pray and the meaning of prayer. We have three sessions. For each we have recorded an oral presentation – even though it is quite primitive technically seen – and you will also find the manuscript for the oral presentation. In addition you will find two handouts for each session containing practical exercises.

First session. Introduction and prayer as an experience of not being left alone

You will find the manuscripts at the bottom of this page.


First session, part 1 – Introduction: Teach us to pray

First session, part 2 – Prayer as an experience of not being left alone (a)

First session, part 3 – Prayer as an experience of not being left alone (b)

Handouts / Exercises

Create your own affirmations

Listening prayer with an open Bible:

Second session. Prayer as nurturing the inner child of God

You will find the manuscript here:


Second session, part 1 – The Jesus-prayer / the Prayer of the Heart

Second session, part 2 – Praying with others for the healing of the heart

Handouts / Exercises

The Jesus Prayer

Praying with others for the healing of the heart



Meditation: Healing of the heart

Meditation: The Jesus-Prayer

Third session. Praying with others and for others. Conclusion: The secret of prayer

You will find the manuscript here


Third session, part 1 – Prayer with others and for others (a)

Third session, part 2 – Prayer with others and for others (b)

Third session, part 3 – Conclusion: The secret of prayer

Handouts and exercises:

The Jesus-prayer as prayer for others and The Lord’s prayer as intercession

Manuscripts for all three sessions

Thoughts and sermons

Articles on meditation, prayer, spiritual life and more will be posted here.

Introduction to Christfulness Prayer Video 1-6

Christ is full of grace to us in many ways: Christ with me, Christ in me, Christ in you, Together in Christ & Seeing all things in Christ. They are intertwined and complementary to each other. Please try to practise your prayer at roughly the same time each day, as… Continue reading