An article by Rev. Ole Skjerbæk Madsen, October 2012 / 2017
The term Christfulness was first coined by the Scandinavian Christian organization “In the Master’s Light” (I Mesterens Lys – IML) in November 2011 at an event called “The Mystical Universe” in Copenhagen. We offered to pray with people for Christfulness and received some positive responses. At a subsequent “Body, Mind and Spirit” event in February 2012, also in Copenhagen, I held a seminar about Identity and Life changing, where the participants were introduced to the term Christfulness. As part of this I led a meditation based around Christfulness. One participant exclaimed “I have always known in my head that I was loved, but now I know it in my heart.” The positive reception of both Christfulness as a concept and the corresponding practices designed by IML gave us the encouragement for further development. In 2012 we published a short book as a first step on the way to widening the knowledge of Christfulness as an expression of faith.
Fullness is ”a quality or state of being full” (Webster), an indication of containing all that it is possible to contain, i.e. a full measure. Fullness means completeness, abundance, richness, wholeness, saturation.
Christfulness thus means being filled by the presence of Christ, being saturated by Christ or surrounded by Christ.
Christfulness is characterized by an experience of:
Christfulness is spirituality, practicing a faith relationship with Christ.
Christfulness points to the fullness of Christ and God’s love in Christ. It is the revelation of a secret or mystery: Christ in you, the hope of glory (Col. 1:27). When we experience the revelation of this mystery and encounter God’s love in Christ with, around and in us as a penetrating and saturating experience, we are made whole. A process of becoming whole begins. This helps us see other humans and our fellow creatures in a new way, as we relate to the image of God within them, and it opens a vision of a redeemed humanity and Earth, which is the body of Christ.
In the Master’s Light (IML) was founded in Copenhagen in 1995, starting with “spiritual gatherings” and from 1997 engaging in Body Mind Spirit fairs and other alternative fairs all over Denmark and Norway. The aim of IML is to build bridges of understanding between Christians and people from Body Mind Spirit milieus, between Church and Holism, New Age, and Spiritualties of Life. IML is a part of the work of the mission society Areopagos. For the history of IML, see