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Different videos related to Christfulness.

  • Three sessions on Christfulness in Danish on youtube
    Undervisning om Christfulness nu på youtube I april  2023 holdt Ole Skjerbæk Madsen 3 aftner om Christfulness. Undervisningen blev optaget og kan ses her på Bethlehemskirkens youtube-kanal:  https://www.youtube.com/@beth… Først session handler om den bibelske baggrund for Christfulness, og om Christfulness som skabelsens og frelsens mål og som menneskesyn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7TRZMCohns  Anden… Continue reading
  • Videos on Christfulness
    Here we post different videos that we hope can be helpful on your journey through life with Jesus Christ. Some small introduction videos on Christfulness Christ in me / Jesus prayer Christ with me Cleansing of the heart Some longer and deeper meditations Cleansing of heart The Jesus prayer Healing… Continue reading
  • Meditation music – Trio con Spirito
    Music by Trio con Spirito and Torsten Borbye Nielsen. Sigrid Kongshøj-Munch på bratsch, Pia Kaufmanas på fløjte og Torsten Borbye Nielsen på guitar. Our Father: Music by Torsten Borbye Nielsen. Performed by Trio con Spirito Comfort – music by Torsten Borbye Nielsen. Performed by Trio con Spirito Bridget Cruise, based… Continue reading
  • St. Patrick’s Prayer – new song
    Music for St. Patrick’s ancient words by Rolf Kobbeltvedt Mortensen I don’t know what it is about Celtic music and me, if it’s some distant ancestry(wink) or something about the approximate longitude between the northern part of the British Isles and Denmark, but I’ve always liked it since my first… Continue reading

Introduction to Christfulness Prayer Video 1-6

Christ is full of grace to us in many ways: Christ with me, Christ in me, Christ in you, Together in Christ & Seeing all things in Christ. They are intertwined and complementary to each other. Please try to practise your prayer at roughly the same time each day, as… Continue reading

Prayer – a course in three sessions

Rev. Ole Skjerbæk Madsen This is a free of charge Course on Prayer Prayer is one of the main disciplines of Christian spirituality or faith practice. It was one of the four practices that the first Christians in Jerusalem held on to. In Acts chapter 2 we read, “They devoted… Continue reading